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Ecuador: Quito with Galapagos

6 days / 5 nights

Quito - Galapagos Islands: Bartolome, Seymour or Plaza Island





Ecuador, located at the intersection of the equator, embodies an amazing variety of landscapes: from Andean mountains to tropical jungles and endless beaches.
Quito, the capital of Ecuador, has absorbed a rich legacy of colonial architecture, medieval churches, and narrow streets surrounded by majestic mountains.
The Galapagos Islands, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, represent a remarkable corner of nature, where every corner of the islands seems carved out of a fantastic painting.

Day 1: Quito

Arrival in the capital of Ecuador, the city of Quito. Meeting a guide. Transfer to the hotel. Accommodation at Hotel Finlandia 4* .

Day 2: Quito

Breakfast at the hotel. City tour of Quito with a visit to the equator line (8 hours). During the city tour of Quito, you will see captivating panoramas, churches, domes, and rooftops that are historical relics, and learn about colonial art, architecture, culture, legends, and traditions. Quito, the capital of Ecuador, was founded in the 16th century on the ruins of an Inca city and is located at an altitude of 2800 meters. Despite the earthquake in 1917, the city has the best-preserved and least altered historical center in Latin America. The architecture and rich interiors are examples of the Quito School of Art, which represents a fusion of Spanish, Italian, Moorish, Flemish art, and indigenous art. After a one-and-a-half-hour walking tour exploring the Old Town, you will understand why Quito was the first city in the world to be listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city was the capital of the Kingdom of Quito until the end of Spanish colonial rule. Around the main square Plaza Grande are the main buildings of the country: the Cathedral, the Presidential Palace, the Archbishop's Palace, and the City Hall. We will visit the finest example of colonial art in the city - the Jesuit Church, whose facade is adorned with intricate carvings. We will also visit the Gothic cathedral Basilica del Voto Nacional: This religious structure was designed by a French architect inspired by the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. The Basilica of the National Voto is considered the most representative work of neo-Gothic architecture in the country and one of the most outstanding in Latin America. This religious temple has a length of 140 meters, a width of 35 meters, and a height of 30 meters in the central nave. The two front towers are 115 meters high. The Basilica is one of the tallest structures in the city! Quito is a capital city full of contrasts, which you can appreciate by visiting the Old Town and the new neighborhoods. You will enjoy a beautiful view of the entire city from the Panecillo viewpoint with the statue of the Virgin Mary with wings - the patroness of the city. Next, we head to the "Middle of the World" (the equator line). There are two places to visit the equator line, and we will visit both:

1) Ciudad Mitad del Mundo.

Ciudad Mitad del Mundo is a tourist complex where visitors can discover a monument commemorating the geodetic expedition of 1736, which established the passage of the equator line in this location. The "Middle of the World" tourist complex belongs to the prefecture of the province of Pichincha, Ecuador. Between 1979 and 1982, a 30-meter monument was erected, marking the place where it was believed the equator line passed. A line marking the equator extends from the center of the monument, which countless tourists have crossed over the years. But in reality, the entire construction is located 240 meters south of the actual equator line, which was accurately calculated in the 20th century thanks to the emergence of GPS positioning systems.

2) Intiñan Museum.

In this museum, we will be able to conduct a series of experiments that explain the influence of the equator line on the natural forces of nature (water swirling, balancing a chicken egg, walking on the equator line). Here you will also receive information about the culture of ancient peoples, learn about the "tsantsa" ritual, and see a series of totems from various cultures of South America. Traditional dwellings of different cultures existing in the country are also exhibited here, for example, a house with items belonging to an indigenous family that lived in this place many generations ago. Return to the hotel. Free evening. Stops: Basilica del Voto Nacional, Main Square, "Golden Church," San Francisco Square, hill with the Virgin Mary, Intiñan Museum, "Middle of the World". Accommodation at Hotel Finlandia 4*

Days 3-6: Quito-Galapagos Islands-...

Breakfast at the hotel. Transfer to the airport - flight to the Galapagos Islands. Upon arrival at Baltra Airport, your guide will meet you and assist with luggage, then escort you to the bus. The ride to the Itabaca Channel, which separates Baltra Island from Santa Cruz Island, takes 10 minutes. Crossing the channel to Santa Cruz Island on motorboats will take 5 minutes. From here, we will proceed by private transportation (approximately 45 minutes' drive) across the entire island to the town of Puerto Ayora and your hotel. Notice the change in the surrounding environment: from the red rocky surface in the north to the green world of wildlife in the highlands and south. On the way from the airport, the guide will accompany the group to the highlands of Santa Cruz Island. During the journey through the island's agricultural zones with the surrounding wild landscape and various flora and fauna, we may encounter giant tortoises, which served as the basis for Darwin's theory of evolution among other endemics. Today, we will observe the famous Galapagos land tortoises in their natural habitat, and you will learn how private farms contribute to the conservation of these unique animals and their habitat. Here, you can see tortoises of different ages and sizes: young ones with shiny shells and lazy old ones with partially cracked shells - traces of a long life. The well-known lava tunnels are another destination of our journey. Channels formed by the uneven cooling of lava flowing from the slopes of the volcano stretch from the highlands to the shores. Lava tubes are eroded in some places. However, there are well-preserved lava tunnels up to 1 km in length. You will see and understand how they were formed, sometimes difficult to pass, and sometimes with fallen boulders. The guide will share the detailed history of the origin of these tunnels. Included lunch at "Highlands." Transfer to the hotel. After a welcome reception at the hotel, you will be accommodated in rooms and have some leisure time. Next, you will have free time to explore the port town of Puerto Ayora with its many souvenir shops, restaurants, and beautiful waterfront. Accommodation at Fiesta Hotel 4* (breakfast, lunch)

Day 4: Marine Excursion to Bartolome Island

Early in the morning, you will depart from the hotel by bus to Itabaca Channel, where a yacht will be waiting for departure. You are for a day in a unique corner of the Earth with beautiful sandy beaches, otherworldly surroundings, crystal clear waters, and some endemic species of flora and fauna. During the two-hour sail, you will have a unique opportunity to see dolphins and other sea creatures very close to the yacht. Disembarkation on the shores of Bartolome Island. You will embark on a hike uphill for about 30 minutes; you will traverse an almost lunar landscape and reach the highest point of the volcanic island. From there, you will have breathtaking views of Santiago, North Seymour, Baltra, Santa Cruz, Rabida, and Chinese Hat Island, as well as the famous Pinnacle Rock – remnants of an ancient collapsed volcano. This place is a habitat for some birds. The landscape from the summit is an emblem of the Galapagos Islands, captured by many photographers. Next - change of clothes for a beach visit. During the boat ride, our guests will see Galapagos penguins (only 50 centimeters tall) standing at the base of the cliff or swimming at bullet speed in the transparent waters of the ocean. Time for beach relaxation or snorkeling: shallow waters allow you to swim and snorkel alongside Galapagos penguins, reef sharks, sea stars, rays, sea turtles, and a multitude of exotic colorful fish, as well as observe several endemic species of the islands: marine iguanas, sea lions, pelicans among others. Lunch onboard after this amazing adventure. Today's journey will end with a return to the hotel in the evening. You will have a free evening to stroll around the town of Puerto Ayora. Accommodation at Fiesta Hotel 4* (breakfast, lunch)

Day 5: Marine Excursion to Seymour or Plaza Island

(to be confirmed after booking; both islands are equally interesting): Seymour Island This excursion day offers you an incredible opportunity to visit North Seymour Island and Bachas Beach. We will depart by bus to our yacht at Itabaca Channel, and then embark on a one-hour sail to North Seymour Island. Disembarkation on the rocky shore near a small forest of gray and silver Palo Santo trees, which are leafless for most of the year. North Seymour Island is famous for its numerous colonies of different bird species. Particularly memorable are the male frigatebirds with their red throat pouches, which they use to attract females during mating season, and the famous blue-footed boobies. These seabirds have wedge-shaped tails and long pointed wings. During mating rituals, males raise one wing and one blue foot and begin dancing to impress the females. The excursion will continue to a beach with small cliffs, where you can see seagulls, many sea lions, marine iguanas, and pelicans. Most animals can be observed at arm's length. A freshly prepared lunch will be served onboard the yacht. During the post-lunch relaxation period, the yacht will continue sailing to Bachas Beach on the north coast of Santa Cruz Island. First, we will walk to the lagoon behind the beach, often visited by flamingos. Next, we'll enjoy a refreshing swim and snorkeling at a paradise uninhabited beach with white sand and turquoise water! Sea lions, various species of rays, sea turtles, and tropical fish may join you during this underwater adventure! Return to Puerto Ayora around 16:00. Free time to stroll along the pier, buy souvenirs, or enjoy the sunset. Plaza Island Departure from the hotel heading north to the Itabaca Channel. Board the yacht and sail to South Plaza Island. This is one of the smallest islands in the archipelago, located near the eastern tip of Santa Cruz Island. After a journey of about one and a half hours, Plaza Island welcomes guests with a colorful carpet of Sesuvium plants, endemic to the region, spread across the entire island, and the friendly barks of several families of sea lions that inhabit the area. The turquoise waters of the ocean perfectly complement the white sandy beaches and volcanic formations on the shore. The island hike is quite easy, with the trail passing by sea lions and land iguanas and reaching the highest cliff, where swallow-tailed gulls slice through the air with their cries, and solitary male sea lions, unable to compete with their rivals for a harem, retreat defeated, climbing almost vertically up the cliff. At the same time, tropicbirds, blue-footed boobies, and frigatebirds gracefully glide through the air. We recommend bringing binoculars to observe this extraordinary wildlife up close. The view from the highest point over the ocean and the mighty waves crashing against the cliffs is an unforgettable sight. The journey continues to Punta Carrion. Lunch will be served onboard. This unique spot is perfect for snorkeling and swimming alongside rays, reef and Galapagos sharks, and hundreds of colorful tropical fish. Return to the hotel. Free evening. Accommodation at Fiesta 4* Hotel (breakfast, lunch)

Day 6:

Transfer to Baltra Airport for your return flight to Quito or Guayaquil. Arrival – self-transfer to the international flight terminal – check-in for the international flight. (breakfast)



- Transfers and excursions: individual - on the mainland of Ecuador; group - on the Galapagos Islands;
- Accommodation in hotels as per the program;
- guide/driver services on the mainland of Ecuador; on the Galapagos Islands; only the last transfer on the islands, hotel-airport, will have a Spanish-speaking escort, no guide is needed for this transfer;
- Specified meals;
- Entrance tickets to the places described in the itinerary.
Not included:
- International flights;
- Medical insurance/travel insurance;
- Flight Quito-Galapagos Islands-Quito or Guayaquil - USD 540 per person (cost may vary before issuance);
- Entrance to the Galapagos National Park - USD 100 per person until July 31; USD 200 per person from August 01. Discount for children under 12 years old - 50% (cost may vary);
- Payment for the INGALA migration card - USD 20 per person (cost may vary);
- Tips;
- Personal expenses;
- Services not described in the itinerary.
*The host has the right to change the hotels indicated in the program to other hotels of the same category.

*The host party reserves the right to change the order of excursions, subject to the tour program.

*The host is not responsible for missed breakfasts in hotels when checking out early in the morning in case of an early flight or excursion
Tour Gallery
Tour Gallery


REVIEW №1- Stacey
Pantanal and Bonito were fantastic. We loved all the tours and our driver was wonderful.
Thanks for a great trip!
REVIEW №2- Sandra Fahed Eliane
Hello ANNA!
I didn’t have the chance to thank you yet, for all your efforts, I had received very good reviews about all the package from my clients and they were satisfied thanks again for everything,

Kisses and hugs from Beirut ????
REVIEW №3- Shamali De Vaz

Dear Anna, Alexandra, Iona and the rest of the team at Ada Tours
Feed-back from a happy, satisfied customer!
A very big thank you for your very efficient services, Hospitality and most importantly your patience throughout the tour of my client. Dr. Chrysantha Mendis is very happy with the entire Tour. You did a fantastic job by organizing a detailed tour package covering 7 countries, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Argentina, and Brazil. Dr. Mendis has enjoyed all the countries though he could not do a few tours in Peru which is understandable due to political unrest. We will recommend Ada Tours to all our clients in Sri Lanka and will start promoting your tours in our website.
Best wishes and kind regards,
REVIEW №4- Carol
Hi Anna, thank you for the update on the glasses. I’ll wait and see what happens! Alan and I are now back in the UK. We loved our trip to the Pantanal and Bonito. Our guide, Alessandra was brilliant with lots of knowledge and very considerate and helpful. The only hitch we had was on our flight back to Rio because the second leg of the trip was cancelled and we were rescheduled to a later plane and our luggage was mislaid. Fortunately it arrived in Rio a day later, before we flew home. Thank you for arranging the trip.
Best wishes Carol
REVIEW №5- Stacey Robertson
Hello Anna and Natalia,
Thank you for all your help with our trip! I know our group was difficult, and I appreciate your patience with us. We loved the tours, the horseback ride, and the absolutely beautiful lunch at the vineyard. Our guides and drivers were fantastic, especially Luis. And the hotels were perfectly located. It was such a convenience to be centrally located in both Lisbon and Madeira.
I hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday and I look forward to working with you in the new year!
REVIEW №6- Maria Paz R. Alberto
Dear Anna
Greetings from Ark.
Allow me to thank you for the fun trip we had, it was very memorable. Your guide , Francisco and driver Ernesto
are very good, kind and knowledgeable.

Maria Paz R. Alberto
President Philippine IATA Travel Agents Associatio
REVIEW №7- Farzana
Dear Team,
Gaur x 5 are back home safely and they enjoyed the trip immensely. I would like to thank each of you for all your efforts and hard work.
Please to help me promote more can you send me a list of countries we can work on together so that I am aware for which all places I can come to you for help and planning ?
REVIEW №8- Stacey
Anna, I had a wonderful time. The guide, Aldinei, was incredible!
My husband and I would love your help planning future trips to Buenos Aires, Peru and the Azores in Portugal.
REVIEW №9- Matt, Adventurebug Worldwide Ltd.
Everything went really well. As always we had to make some adjustments and the local guide and team on the ground were very responsive and took action professionally. I have no complaints about this :)
The clients were very pleased with the tour and all arrangements.
Changing the few meals at the end on Isabela was not an issue and the local team did a good job organizing this for me.

Many thanks again Ana!


Adventurebug Worldwide Ltd.
REVIEW №10- Zhanna Zaitseva
Dear Juliana!

Dear Bianca!

Дорогая Анна!

Our 6 men-tourists have come today from your tour : Iguassu + Amazonia + Rio & Carnaval.

They are glad very much

Thank you for the tour!

Best regards,

Zhanna Zaitseva

"Indian Holiday"
REVIEW №11- Anna Zboranska
The brilliant excursions!
Dear Richele!

I am writing you with gratitude for organizing the brilliant excursions for our group of 16 people!

They came back from Brazil very happy and really satisfied!
So, many-many thanks to you and your wonderful team!
Looking forward to our next cooperation)

Kind Regards,

Anna Zboranska
Exotic Department

REVIEW №12- Evyn
Great tour!
This tour is amazing and shows you a lot of sights in Rio de Janeiro.
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