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The Best of Central America 2024

24 days/23 nights

Guatemala –Honduras- Salvador –Nicaragua-Costa Rica-Panama





We have gathered the main sightseeing landmarks of Central America in one tour!
Antigua in the wide mountain valley of Panchoy,
Pacaya volcano. a “volcanic complex”,
San Juan, the cleanest and tidiest town on Atitlan lake,
Flores, the beautiful capital of Peten,
Chichicastenango, the largest highland Mayan Market,
Mayan ruins of Copan, or Athens of Mesoamerica, with its unreal beauty and accuracy of art on stelae.
Managua with the culture and history of Nicaragua through museums, parks and historic sites.

Day 1. Guatemala City / Antigua

Arrival at La Aurora International Airport. You will be met at the airport and transferred to the hotel in Antigua. Overnight at Hotel Villa Colonial.

Day 2. Antigua

Antigua City Tour: Antigua lies in the wide mountain valley of Panchoy, sandwiched between the cones of the volcanoes of Agua, Acatenango and Fuego. The city was founded in 1543 as the third capital of Guatemala, and was called Santiago de Guatemala. And only after the strong earthquake occurred in 1773, the capital had to be moved to a new place in Guatemala City. The city reached its peak by the middle of the 18th century, when an unprecedented construction boom tripled and its population grew to fifty thousand people. By 1773, this city had about 25 churches, 5 women's, 8 men's monasteries and a cathedral built in 1680 and was compared only with the cathedral in Mexico City and Lima, Peru for its beauty and majesty of construction. In 1773 there were 3 very strong earthquakes: the very first that destroyed almost the entire city, all the churches and monasteries happened on July 29, 1773 on St. Martha's Day, so it was called the Santa Marta earthquake. But the most important museum in Antigua is the city itself, its streets, where you can study its history just by walking it. Overnight at Hotel Villa Colonial. (Meals: B)

Day 3. Antigua / Pacaya Volcano / Atitlan Lake

Only 67 km from Antigua Guatemala is the most active and beautiful volcanic complex in Central America, Pacaya Volcano. Its main crater reaches a height of 2,552 meters above sea level. From 1961 to March 2002, a total of 14 major eruptions were recorded, and many others were less intense. In fact, Pacaya volcano is a “volcanic complex”, which, according to Carlos Saper, is “the most interesting volcanic complex in Central America in terms of the number of eruptive cones, craters and changes that can be observed constantly.” According to volcanologists, the crater in the west began to form more than 2,000 years ago, and Cerrohino on the one hand and Pacaya volcano on the other began to form from its two ends. We will begin our ascent from a height of 1,900 meters above sea level and rise to 2,300 m. After the descent we continue to Lake Atitlán. Overnight at Hotel Villa Santa Catarina. (Meals: B)

Day 4. Atitlán Lake

Today we will see the most interesting cities where Maya Tzutujil still live on Lake Atitlan. And we will start with San Juan. Boat trip to San Juan takes about 30 minutes. San Juan is the cleanest and tidiest town on the lake. There are many art galleries, whose artists paint in the style of Naive or primitivism. After, we will transfer by boat to the other side of the lake in the city of Santiago Atitlan. Santiago Atitlan, founded in 1547 at the foot of the Atitlan volcano, is the largest city with a population of 32 thousand people, 95% of which are Maya Tzutujil. The local population lives of fishing, farming, and making kayukos (local canoes). Artisans specialize in painting, woodwork and weaving. Santiago is the city of worship of Maximon – a pagan deity or god of the Mayan people, who are offering donations in the form of alcohol and cigars. We will also v sit the local Catholic church, where two religions merged - Catholicism and Mayan beliefs and take a walk past the local city hall, where the elders of the city are sitting, dressed in white striped shorts and birds embroidered at the bottom. Our final stop, before heading back to Panajachel, will be San Antonio Palopo. Overnight at Hotel Villa Santa Catarina. (Meals: B)

Day 5. Chichicastenango / Guatemala City (Thursday or Sunday)

Today we will go to the largest highland Mayan Market, Chichicastenango (only Thursday or Sunday). Surrounded by valleys and mountains that cover the horizons, Chichicastenango may seem isolated in time and space from the rest of Guatemala. When its narrow, cobbled streets and red tiled roofs are covered with fog, and this happens often, it may seem like you're in some kind of fairy tale. Crowds of sellers and tourist groups flock on Thursday and Sunday to the country's largest alpine market. The Catholic patron of the city is St. Thomas, in his honor the city of Santo Thomas was built in 1540 in the city. When the Catholic missionaries arrived, they destroyed the Mayan temple and built a white church in its place. The only thing left of the temple is 18 steep steps leading to the church by the number of months in the Mayan solar calendar Haab. Therefore, this church is probably the most unique Catholic church in Guatemala due to religious symbiosis within the church. On the steps of the church they sell flowers, candles and fragrances. Like in the front of the pyramids, an altar is installed in front of the stairs - a round flat stone, from which smoke rises from the smoldering pomp in clubs. And what a market without shopping, so bring enough money with you to buy souvenirs. The Chichicastenango market is famous mainly for its textiles and masks. Back to Guatemala City. Overnight at Hotel Barceló Guatemala City. (Meals: B)

Day 6. Guatemala City / Flores, Peten / Tikal

Early flight to Flores. Visit of the most important archeological Mayan site in Guatemala. Tikal is 64 km from Flores, the beautiful capital of Peten, located on an island on Lake Peten Itza. Tikal means “a place where the voices of spirits are heard”, in comparison with other cities of the classical period it seems huge - this is the largest settlement of pre-Columbian America. Scientists came to this conclusion after a series of excavations conducted in the late 50s. It has been inhabited since 700 BC. until 900 AD, only then to be conquered again by the tropical jungle, from the beginning of the eleventh century until the beginning of the twentieth century, when Tikal was discovered and restoration work began. The urban complex of Tikal (not counting the outskirts) occupied an area of about 16 square kilometers. It housed 3 thousand buildings, and the pyramids were distinguished by a specific style, not found anywhere else in Mesoamerica. The six pyramidal temples make a particularly strong impression, which look like real skyscrapers against the background of other structures of this type. No wonder archaeologists called Tikal-New York the Mayan civilization. Today Tikal National Park covers 575 square kilometers and in 1979 was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as a cultural and natural heritage of mankind. Overnight at Hotel Villa Maya. (Meals: B)

Day 7. Flores / Rio Dulce / Livingston

Transfer to the Izabal department to the most picturesque river of Guatemala – Rio Dulce. In accordance with its peculiar geological history, which began at least 400 million years, Izabal is a complex mixture of karst caves and hills, rivers, lakes, marshes and large plains. You can find Mayan pyramids hidden in the rainforest and with so much vegetation and water, this region of Guatemala is a paradise for lovers of nature and birds. The natural area of Izabal resembles the richness of the Amazon forests. Izabal's rainforest is uniquely impressive. With the highest biological diversity in the country, with an abundance of vegetation on the banks of the rivers, it is rightly called the jade coast. Transfer to a boat and a journey along the Rio Dulce: the sheer walls of the river canyon, thermal springs, the beauty of the tropical jungle will leave unforgettable impressions and of course the city of Livingston, where the Garifuna people live, the descendants of slaves exported from Africa. Excursion to Livingston (it is impossible to get to the city by land, only by water) - a settlement of the Garifuna people with a unique culture that combines African, Caribbean and European elements. Spreading palm trees, reggae music and stunning seafood are the symbols of Livingston, allowing you to experience the true spirit of Jamaica in the center of Guatemala. During our trip you can try a typical Garifuna dish - tapado soup (seafood soup cooked in coconut milk). Overnight at Hotel Villa Caribe. (Meals: B)

Day 8. Rio Dulce / Quirigua / Copan, Honduras

Transfer and tour to Quiriguá Archaeological Site. The park is located on the west bank of the Motagua River. This Mayan city is characterized mainly by its majestic stelae that are the largest and best preserved of the Mayan World. Most of the monumental constructions, the acropolis, and the stelae were erected during the following 60 years of reign of the new Quiriguá dynasty, a dynasty that dominated the region of the Copán river and the Motagua river. In this historical context, stela E is carved, 10 meters high and weighing 55 tons, which constitutes the largest sculpture of all those located in the Great Plaza, a ceremonial space where one can appreciate the exceptional collection of sculptural monuments of the park that It includes zoomorphic altars of exceptional artistic quality, which is why it has been declared a World Heritage Site since 1981 by UNESCO. Transfer to Honduras. Overnight at Hotel Clarion Copan Ruinas (Meals: B)

Day 9. Copan, Honduras / San Salvador

Visit the famous Mayan ruins of Copan. The main value of Copan is the unreal beauty and accuracy of art on stelae. This site of the Mayan civilization was called Athens of Mesoamerica. There you will even find a stelae made in three dimensions. A true work of art is considered to be the Mayan Staircase with hieroglyphs during the classical period. Each of its 63 steps is decorated with complex letters, and balustrades with the image of snakes and birds are erected on the sides. Transfer to San Salvador. Overnight at Hotel Barceló San Salvador. (Meals: B)

Day 10. San Salvador City Tour / San Andres & Joya de Ceren

We will visit the very interesting historical center of San Salvador, visit the El Rosario church with a modern and very colorful design, the national palace, the national theater and the Metropolitan Cathedral. Then, Joya de Ceren and San Andres are the main archaeological sites that we will discover on this tour. In this tour we will observe this fact closely. Among the many civilizations that have lived in El Salvador, one of the most important has been the Mayans. The Mayans are known to have developed complex societies with impressive temples in the Mesoamerican area. Overnight at Hotel Barceló San Salvador. (Meals: B)

Day 11. San Salvador / La Unión / Potosi, Nicaragua / Leon / Managua

Transfer to the La Union to take a Ferry to Nicaragua. Then we will drive to the city of Leon. Just before arriving, we will visit the Pompey of Nicaragua, the old city of Leon to see the first city built by the Spanish people in 1524 and abandoned in 1610 because of the volcanic eruptions of Momotombo volcano. After this stop we will continue to the new city of Leon where will visit the biggest church in Central America, the Ruben Dario Museum, The Ortiz Gurdian Museum and the Murals of the Revolution. Transfer to Managua. Overnight at Hotel Los Robles. (Meals: B)

Day 12. Managua / Masaya Volcano / Granada

Begin your journey in the city of Managua, where we will present you the culture and history of Nicaragua through museums, parks and historic sites of the capital of the Republic. Then we will travel to the Masaya Volcano National Park, the first and largest national park in the country to observe the impressive Volcano Masaya and visit its active crater. We will visit the famous Masaya craft market. Transfer to Granada known as the oldest colonial city of Mainland America, has survived pirate’s attacks, civil wars, fires and more in its rich history, since its foundation in 1524. We will start this tour full of history visiting the main Plaza, La Casa de los Leones cultural center, the San Francisco museum and convent, the Ceramic museum, La Merced church and La Calzada. Overnight at Hotel Colonial. (Meals: B)

Day 13. Granada / Arenal Volcano

Transfer to the border with Costa Rica. Transfer to Arenal Volcano. PM: The Arenal Volcano 1968 Park and other reserves along the border of the National Park are one of the most visited places in all of Central America. The trails in Arenal Volcano1968 Park and other nearby Arenal Reserves are generally not very strenuous -- perfect for a leisurely and informative hike with one of our professional nature guides. This part of the Arenal Volcano had sections that were devastated by the lava flow of 1968, so some areas have very little vegetation. This guided walk of the1968 Trail provides perfect photo opportunities and magnificent views of the impressive Arenal Volcano, the pristine Lake Arenal and the extinct volcano Cerro Chato. We have chosen the appropriate trail for better wildlife viewing. There are parts of each trail that has forested areas where your nature guide will try to spot birds, monkeys and other animals in their natural habitat. Overnight at Hotel Arenal Paraíso Resort & Spa. (Meals: B)

Day 14. Caño Negro Wildlife Refuge

Breakfast at the Hotel. You will enjoy the Caño Negro & Río Frío Boat Tour Specially for Nature Lovers! This tour highlight is a boat ride on the Frío River, starting at Los Chiles, little town located 4 km from the Nicaraguan border. This river is part of the Caño Negro Wildlife Refuge – a Ramsar site- here you will find one of the most diverse flora and fauna habitats in Costa Rica. Along the river it is possible to observe great quantity of birds like the snake-bird, herons, cormorants and animals such as: howler, spider or even white face monkeys, three - toed sloths and some reptiles like caimans, Jesus Christ lizards and turtles. After lunch, back to Arenal. Overnight at Hotel Arenal Paraíso Resort & Spa. (Meals: B, L)

Day 15: Arenal Volcano / Monteverde

Transfer to Monteverde in a different way. Travel between Arenal and Monteverde with Taxi-Boat-Taxi. This van-boat-van service is the fastest and a very scenic way to travel between the Arenal Vocano and the cloud forests of Monteverde. Plus, you get to have a fun and scenic boat ride on Lake Arenal and see gorgeous views of Arenal Volcano! We will travel across the peaceful and picturesque Lake Arenal until we reach the other side to the small town of Rio Chiquito. Monteverde is one of the most-unique villages in all of Costa Rica. It has a small-town, rural, country feel with a lot of cowboys walking around downtown Santa Elena, the main eco-touristic hot spot. Located in the heart of the Monteverde Cloud Forest, Selvatura Zip Lines and Hanging Bridges consist one of the few tours in Costa Rica that literarily take you deep within the primary Monteverde Cloud Forest, providing a precious and unique experience we guarantee you'll always remember. Overnight at Hotel Montaña Monteverde. (Meals: B)

Day 16: Monteverde / Manuel Antonio National Park

Turn a travel day from Monteverde to Manuel Antonio into a nature packed adventure with The Tarcoles River Boat Tour! What a better way of breaking up the 5 hours of travel in between Monteverde and Manuel Antonio than with the Tarcoles River Crocodile sightseeing tour. Keep your eyes peeled for a multitude of wildlife including the famous, huge, 20-ft American crocodiles or rare sighting of the Scarlet Macaw that inhabit the Carara Biological Reserve. Plus, if you’re traveling with children, they’ll get a kick out of the “Jesus Christ Lizards” that literally walk on water here. You’ll be accompanied by a bilingual guide who will point out the often difficult-to-see wildlife along this two-hour boat tour of the Tarcoles River and into the Guacalillo mangrove estuary. You’re bound to see more crocodiles here than anywhere else in the world! Overnight at Hotel Mimos. (Meals: B, L)

Day 17. Manuel Antonio National Park

Explore the pristine natural beauty of this world famous Manuel Antonio National Park filled with exotic wildlife such as monkeys, sloths, birds, reptiles and butterflies. Your picturesque 2-mile hike will take you to one of the beaches named most beautiful in the world by Forbes magazine. Experience the lush rainforest behind you, white sandy beaches below, and crystalline-blue waters during this refreshing 20-minute beach stop. Have your camera ready, as your knowledgeable guide sets his trained eyes on diverse flora and fauna for you to capture along the way. Overnight at Hotel Mimos. (Meals: B, L)

Day 18. Manuel Antonio National Park / Boquete, Panama

Continue to Sixaola Border with Panama and transfer to Boquete. Overnight at Hotel La Casa de la Abuela. (Meals: B)

Day 19. Baru Volcano

Go to the highest point of Panama on this exhilarating Jeep 4x4 tour of Barú Volcano. On a clear day, this chilly volcano peak offers incredible views of both the Caribbean and Pacific. Bundle up and get ready for the off-roading experience of a lifetime. Overnight at Hotel La Casa de la Abuela. (Meals: B)

Day 20. Boquete / Panama City & Miraflores Locks

Early flight to Panama City. Panama City Tour & the Panama Canal starts out with a fascinating visit to the Miraflores Locks Visitor Center. You will then continue to the Biodiversity Museum Continue for lunch to the Casco Viejo historical part of town. End the tour with a historical walking tour through the historic center which is home to beautiful restored colonial houses and interesting architecture, beautiful cathedrals and plazas. One of the most interesting sites on this tour are the Miraflores Locks of the Panama Canal where you will witness the raising or lowering of a ship as it passes through this impressive engineering feat. The Miraflores Visitors Center also contains a Canal Museum which holds information on its history from the first construction efforts by the French to its upcoming expansion. Overnight at Hotel Eurostars Panama City. (Meals: B)

Day 21-23

Transfer to Playa Blanca Beach Resort Panamá. Enjoy your time!

Day 24. Panama city

Transfer to the international airport for your flight home.




- Guide service
- Transfers
- Accommodation in the hotels according to the program
- Excursions according to the programs
- Guatemala - Flores flight
- David - Panama City flight
- Accommodation taxes
- Meals according to the program: (B)-breakfast (L)- lunch, (D)- dinner
Not included:
- international flights
- Additional activities
- Meal not mentioned in the program
*The host has the right to change the hotels indicated in the program to other hotels of the same category.

*The host party reserves the right to change the order of excursions, subject to the tour program.

*The host is not responsible for missed breakfasts in hotels when checking out early in the morning in case of an early flight or excursion
Tour Gallery
Tour Gallery


REVIEW №1- Stacey
Pantanal and Bonito were fantastic. We loved all the tours and our driver was wonderful.
Thanks for a great trip!
REVIEW №2- Sandra Fahed Eliane
Hello ANNA!
I didn’t have the chance to thank you yet, for all your efforts, I had received very good reviews about all the package from my clients and they were satisfied thanks again for everything,

Kisses and hugs from Beirut ????
REVIEW №3- Shamali De Vaz

Dear Anna, Alexandra, Iona and the rest of the team at Ada Tours
Feed-back from a happy, satisfied customer!
A very big thank you for your very efficient services, Hospitality and most importantly your patience throughout the tour of my client. Dr. Chrysantha Mendis is very happy with the entire Tour. You did a fantastic job by organizing a detailed tour package covering 7 countries, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Argentina, and Brazil. Dr. Mendis has enjoyed all the countries though he could not do a few tours in Peru which is understandable due to political unrest. We will recommend Ada Tours to all our clients in Sri Lanka and will start promoting your tours in our website.
Best wishes and kind regards,
REVIEW №4- Carol
Hi Anna, thank you for the update on the glasses. I’ll wait and see what happens! Alan and I are now back in the UK. We loved our trip to the Pantanal and Bonito. Our guide, Alessandra was brilliant with lots of knowledge and very considerate and helpful. The only hitch we had was on our flight back to Rio because the second leg of the trip was cancelled and we were rescheduled to a later plane and our luggage was mislaid. Fortunately it arrived in Rio a day later, before we flew home. Thank you for arranging the trip.
Best wishes Carol
REVIEW №5- Stacey Robertson
Hello Anna and Natalia,
Thank you for all your help with our trip! I know our group was difficult, and I appreciate your patience with us. We loved the tours, the horseback ride, and the absolutely beautiful lunch at the vineyard. Our guides and drivers were fantastic, especially Luis. And the hotels were perfectly located. It was such a convenience to be centrally located in both Lisbon and Madeira.
I hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday and I look forward to working with you in the new year!
REVIEW №6- Maria Paz R. Alberto
Dear Anna
Greetings from Ark.
Allow me to thank you for the fun trip we had, it was very memorable. Your guide , Francisco and driver Ernesto
are very good, kind and knowledgeable.

Maria Paz R. Alberto
President Philippine IATA Travel Agents Associatio
REVIEW №7- Farzana
Dear Team,
Gaur x 5 are back home safely and they enjoyed the trip immensely. I would like to thank each of you for all your efforts and hard work.
Please to help me promote more can you send me a list of countries we can work on together so that I am aware for which all places I can come to you for help and planning ?
REVIEW №8- Stacey
Anna, I had a wonderful time. The guide, Aldinei, was incredible!
My husband and I would love your help planning future trips to Buenos Aires, Peru and the Azores in Portugal.
REVIEW №9- Matt, Adventurebug Worldwide Ltd.
Everything went really well. As always we had to make some adjustments and the local guide and team on the ground were very responsive and took action professionally. I have no complaints about this :)
The clients were very pleased with the tour and all arrangements.
Changing the few meals at the end on Isabela was not an issue and the local team did a good job organizing this for me.

Many thanks again Ana!


Adventurebug Worldwide Ltd.
REVIEW №10- Zhanna Zaitseva
Dear Juliana!

Dear Bianca!

Дорогая Анна!

Our 6 men-tourists have come today from your tour : Iguassu + Amazonia + Rio & Carnaval.

They are glad very much

Thank you for the tour!

Best regards,

Zhanna Zaitseva

"Indian Holiday"
REVIEW №11- Anna Zboranska
The brilliant excursions!
Dear Richele!

I am writing you with gratitude for organizing the brilliant excursions for our group of 16 people!

They came back from Brazil very happy and really satisfied!
So, many-many thanks to you and your wonderful team!
Looking forward to our next cooperation)

Kind Regards,

Anna Zboranska
Exotic Department

REVIEW №12- Evyn
Great tour!
This tour is amazing and shows you a lot of sights in Rio de Janeiro.
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